Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blog analysis

I feel that Teach.Writes blog is a very informative blog; it displays a sense of knowledge. It is not hard to look at the text, and it blends nicely with the background. It shows me that it is not someone out to impress me by how fancy and sophisticated they can get their blog, but that person wants us to get something out of their blog. With that being said the author would most likely to me be an educator of some sort. The pictures are not overwhelming either they don’t over the entire page, yet they are just enough to spark interest in that person. The attachments are logical as well and fitting to the material presented. You can get just from the layout that this person is a thinker by the entries on his blog. The haikus at the end just end the presentation nicely as well and cause it to end on a good note with something to think about.

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