Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blogging will only become more popular as time moves foward. We have the ability to get our thoughts and emotions out there, to see what others have to say about what we are feeling. There are even communities of bloggers that are connected by what they blog eventhough they may never have met one another, their thoughts and opinions is what causes these communities to identify with one another. With this easy way of connecting there also needs to be great responsibility with so many out there who are violebt racists. But according to them they are allowed to speak their minds under United States law of free speech. When I see things that are racism related I think about how ingnorant those people are acting, and how foolish they are. When you think of how crafty these people that post these racist comments and to what lengths they will go to to get their point across, it is frightening. We can't stop blogging because a few people do wrong things with blogs, we just need to be careful ourselves. There is too much that can be learned not to blog. There is no way to stop the blogging mania so as long as we are careful we will be fine.


Kimbi33 said...

I agree when you say blogging will become more popular as time goes on. I think that more and more people are beginning to realize that blogging is a place to release their feelings and emotions to receive helpful responses. Peoples thoughts and feelings are valuable, and it's so incredible you are able to define a community by the thoughts and opinions of others. I also liked how you didn't ignore the fact or even want to get rid of hate groups. You made a great point when saying we can't stop them, but we can help by being careful with what we post ourselves!

Susanne said...

Blogging is something rather new in the virtual world and something I only became familiar with recently. And yes, people using blogs need to be very responsible in exercising their right of freedom of speech. However, I believe that there are a lot of bloggers and online communities out there in the gigantic World Wide Web not using these so-called virtual bulletin boards in a very responsible way who are able to spread their wrong and uneducated ideologies among people who do not know better. I think us, as a responsible bloggers should highly differentiate which blogs we are subscribing to and which we are using in order to not let other people twist our minds.